
You find here the link to the pdf-file (28 Mb) to the new edition of Wolfgang von Kempelen's "Mechanismus der menschlichen Sprache/The Mechanism of Human Speech" from 1791.

The full title is:

Wolfgang von Kempelen

Mechanismus der menschlichen Sprache
The Mechanism of Human Speech

Kommentierte Transliteration & Übertragung ins Englische
Commented Transliteration & Translation into English by
Fabian Brackhane, Richard Sproat & Jürgen Trouvain (eds)

Part 1 (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation Band 87) and Part 2 (Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation Band 88).
TUDpress: Dresden, 2017.

Each page of the (German) original version from 1791 has a German page on the left (even numbers) and an English page on the right (uneven numbers). Thus, this bilingual edition is best viewed with the "two page view" as "page display". In addition, we recommend to use "bookmarks" in the "navigation pane" when using file-internal links.

Important remark on page numbering
The printed version of this new edition has been published in two parts.
Part 1 contains the preface of the editors (from page I to page CLXXII) and chapters 1, 2 and 3. Page 1 in the Kempelen original (German) version corresponds to page 38 in the new edition. Part 1 ends with page 406 (page 177 in the original).
Part 2 comprises the chapters 4 and 5. It starts with page 2 (page 178 in the original) and ends with page 625 (page 456 in the original).

For a facsimile version of the French original, see here: Le Mécanisme in French.

We found out that some corrections are needed to the published book, see the erratum notes for the German version and for the English version (September 2023).

Last update: 12-Sep-2023

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