The Russian Resource Grammar (RRG)
is an open-source HPSG grammar for Russian developed at the
Language Technology Lab of the German Research Center for
Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH) and at the Computational
Linguistics Department of Saarland University since 2009.
Main developers and contributors
of RRG are:
The grammar is released under the
LGPL-LR, a version of the LGPL adapted for linguistic resources.
The grammar aims for broad coverage
and linguistically precise analysis of Russian, also incorporating
the general cross-Slavic as shown by the three-layer design:
general (matrix.tdl), language-group oriented (slavic.tdl) and
language specific (russian.tdl). Analyses are drawn in the
framework of HPSG, while using Minimal Recursion Semantics (MRS)
as the semantic representation.
Relevant publications to this
release of the grammar are:
T.Avgustinova and
Y.Zhang (2010) Conversion of a Russian dependency treebank into
HPSG derivations. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on
Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT'9), Tartu, Estonia
T.Avgustinova and Y.Zhang (2009) Exploiting the Russian National Corpus in the Development of a Russian Resource Grammar. Adaptation of Language Resources and Technology to New Domains at the RANLP 2009 Conference, Borovets, Bulgaria
T.Avgustinova and Y.Zhang (2009) Parallel Grammar Engineering for Slavic Languages. Workshop on Grammar Engineering Across Frameworks at the ACL/IJCNLP 2009 Conference, Singapore
The grammar uses UTF-8 and Cyrillics
for the lexicon encoding. The lexicon currently consists of a
small number of entries as representatives for various lexical
categories. Automatic extension of the lexicon will be carried out
in the near future.
The handling of morphology is
currently achieved with an external morphological analyzer
(mystem, interfaced
to LKB through SPPP (