Dr. Les Sikos
Psycholinguistics Group
Dept of Language Science and Technology
Saarland University
Building C7.1, Room 1.13
66123 Saarbruecken
E-mail: sikos@coli.uni-saarland.de
Research Interests
Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying human language processing, with a focus on how information at various levels of representation are coordinated in real time and under different conditions
Specific Areas of Research
- Effects of contextual information on online meaning construction
- Interaction of language and vision in situated language comprehension
- Information theoretic approaches to pragmatic and conversational inferencing
- Online processing of metaphorical language
- Human brain electrophysiology
- Effects of human-machine interaction on linguistic and cognitive processes
Research Methods
- Event-related potentials (ERP)
- Eye-tracking
- Behavioral measures
- Crowd-sourcing techniques