SALSA - The SAarbrücken Lexical Semantics Annotation and Analysis Project

The aim of SALSA is to create a semantically annotated corpus resource and to investigate methods for its utilisation.
The construction of the corpus resource involves the following tasks:- Creating a semantic annotation schema which allows for the integration of a wide range of phenomena
- Annotating the German 1.5M word TIGER corpus by hand with FrameNet semantic roles
- Concurrent development of a German "FrameNet light"
- Development of machine learning tools for supervised and unsupervised annotation of larger corpora
- Lexical semantics: the automatic acquisition of approximate or preferential meaning information for very large lexica
- Syntax: the improvement of statistical parsing techniques by training analysers on a combination of syntactic and semantic role information
- Intelligent search: the enhancement of linguistically guided techniques for information access and extraction
More details about SALSA I can be found on the Research page.