EACL-99 Post-Conference Workshop on

Linguistically Interpreted Corpora (LINC-99)

Bergen, Norway, June 12th, 1999


Hans Uszkoreit, Thorsten Brants, Brigitte Krenn
Computational Linguistics and DFKI, Saarbrücken, and Austrian Research Center for AI, Vienna

The need for large linguistically interpreted (annotated) corpora keeps growing in an increasing number of applications and research tasks in the field of computational linguistics. Many groups have started to create corpus resources for a variety of languages and domains. These corpora are used for a broad range of different applications and theoretical investigations. This workshop aims at bringing together these activities in order to facilitate advanced and efficient corpus annotation providing re-usable resources.

Programme Committee:
Hans Uszkoreit, Saarbrücken (chair)
Thorsten Brants, Saarbrücken (chair)
Brigitte Krenn, Wien (chair)
Rens Bod, Leeds
Pierrette Bouillon, Geneva
Tomaz Erjavec, Ljubljana
Jan Hajic, Prag
Veronique Hoste, Antwerp
Wojciech Skut, Saarbrücken
Atro Voutilainen, Helsinki


09:00 Welcome
Hans Uszkoreit, Thorsten Brants, Brigitte Krenn
Session 1: Word Level Annotation
09:10 A Methodology for the Analysis of Verb Usage Examples in a Context of Lexical Knowledge Acquisition from Dictionary Entries
Jose Mari Arriola, Xabier Artola, Aitor Maritxalar, Aitor Soroa
09:40 Morpho-syntactic ambiguity and tagset design for Hungarian
Tamáz Váradi, Csaba Oravecz
10:10 A tagged reference Corpus for French
Anne Abeillé, Lionel Clément
10:40 Break
Session 2: Structural Annotation I
11:00 Towards An Annotation Scheme For Noun Phrase Generation
Massimo Poesio, Renate Henschel, Janet Hitzeman, Roger Kibble, Shane Montague, Kees van Deemter
11:30 A TEI Encoding of Aligned Corpora as Translation Memories
Tomaz Erjavec
12:00 Corpus Annotation for Parser Evaluation
John Carroll, Guido Minnen, Ted Briscoe
12:30 Lunch
Session 3: Retrieval and Tools
13:30 Discourse Data in DiET
Ian Lewin, Pierrette Bouillon, Sabine Lehmann, David Milward, Ludovic Tanguy
14:00 An extensible visualization tool to aid treebank exploration
Chris Brew
14:30 Gsearch: A Tool for Syntactic Investigation of Unparsed Corpora
Frank Keller, Martin Corley, Steffan Corley, Matthew Crocker, Shari Trewin
15:00 Break
Session 4: Structural Annotation II
15:30 Design for a Turkish Treebank
Kemal Oflazer, Dilek Hakkani-Tür, Gökhan Tür
16:00 Data-Driven Compilation of LFG Semantic Forms
Josef van Genabith, Louisa Sadler, Andy Way
16:30 Discussion: Future Directions in Corpus Annotation
17:00 End

Thorsten Brants
Saarland University
Computational Linguistics, Geb. 17
P.O.Box 151150
D-66041 Saarbrücken
email: thorsten@coli.uni-sb.de

Registration and local information:
See registration info on main conference page

The now obsolete call for papers

Last updated 17-may-1999, thorsten@coli.uni-sb.de