About me

Alexander Koller

I am a Professor of Computational Linguistics in the Department of Language Science and Technology at Saarland University. I am also a Professor by courtesy of Computer Science. Both departments belong to the Saarland Informatics Campus, one of the strongest academic research centers for computer science in Europe.

I lead the Computational Linguistics group and am the speaker of the Research Training Group “Neuroexplicit Models of Language, Vision, and Action”.

My PhD is in Computer Science from Saarland University; my advisors were Manfred Pinkal and Gert Smolka. Before coming back to Saarbrücken, I was a postdoc at Columbia University and the University of Edinburgh and a Professor of Theoretical Computational Linguistics at the University of Potsdam. I have spent sabbaticals at Meta AI in Paris and the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2) in Seattle.

breaking_news News

February 2025 Spoke at the AI Action Summit about LLMs and problem solving.
July 2023 Both of my ACL papers have won outstanding paper awards!
May 2023 RTG “Neuroexplicit Models of Language, Vision, and Action” funded by the DFG!
March 2023 I will spend the next six months on sabbatical at AI2 in Seattle.
October 2022 I am now ELLIS Faculty in the Saarbrücken unit.

map Contact

Fachrichtung Sprachwissenschaft und Sprachtechnologie
Universität des Saarlandes
Campus C7.2
D-66123 Saarbrücken, Germany

office: Campus C7.2, Room 1.09
phone: +49 681 302 4345
secretary (Karina Walgenbach): +49 681 302 4344
email: koller at coli uni-saarland de

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